Epoxy-Coated Rebar and Stainless Steel Rebar

Epoxy-Coated Rebar and Stainless Steel Rebar

Epoxy-Coated Rebar and Stainless Steel Rebar

Rebar is the short form of reinforcing bar. It is also known as reinforcing steel or reinforcement steel. Epoxy-Coated Rebar and Stainless Steel Rebar are the types of rebar. Rebar significantly increases the tensile strength of the structure. Rebar’s surface is often deformed to promote a better bond with the concrete. There are different types of rebar. They are European rebar, Carbon steel rebar, Epoxy-Coated Rebar, Galvanized Rebar, Glass-Fiber-Reinforced-Polymer (GFRP) and Stainless Steel Rebar. Epoxy-Coated Rebar and Stainless Steel Rebar are described below:

Difference between Epoxy-Coated Rebar and Stainless Steel Rebar

Epoxy-Coated Rebar

Epoxy-coated rebar is black rebar with an epoxy coat. The epoxy coating is incredibly delicate. The epoxy coating is applied is applied in a factory to the steel prior to shipping to ensure corrosion resistance.

Epoxy-Coating protects the steel using several mechanisms. If undamaged, the coating prohibits the passage of chloride ions, thus protecting the steel from corrosion damage. If minor holes or damage are present in the coating and sufficient chloride ions are available in the concrete, then localized corrosion may occur. For the corrosion reaction to proceed, a cathode is required. If all bars are coated, then only very small cathodes are present, substantially reducing the corrosion rate. Tests conducted for the FHWA demonstrated that if both top and bottom mats were coated, the corrosion rates of Epoxy-Coated Steel Reinforcing Bars were 40 to 50 times less than that of similar uncoated bars.

Epoxy-Coated rebar may be used in any concrete subjected to corrosive conditions.

. Bridges (decks, piers, etc.)
. Marine structures (seaports, airports, tunnels, etc.)
. Pavements (highway, airport runway, etc.)
. Parking structures
. Buildings (seaside, power plants, etc.)
. Repair

Stainless Steel Rebar

The most expensive reinforcing bar is the stainless steel rebar. It is about eight times the price of epoxy-coated rebar. It is also the best rebar available for most projects. It is known as the powerful one which is more resistant to damage than any of the other corrosive-resistant or corrosive-proof types or rebar and it can be bent in the field. Stainless steel rebar is an excellent corrosion resistance rebar. Stainless steel rebar have a higher strength and long service life. It is suitable for tunnel, bridge, building and other projects beside or in marine environment.

Recently use of stainless steel rebar is used for concrete reinforcement in bridges, highways, buildings and other construction projects.The trend to stainless has been particularly evident in coastal areas of the United States, and in Canada and Europe.

The benefits of Stainless Steel Rebar are:

  • Because it is highly resistant to corrosion from chloride ion
  • It does not rely on the high alkalinity of concrete for protection
  • Concrete cover can be reduced
  • Concrete sealant, such as Silane, can be eliminated
  • Concrete mix can be simplified to suit concrete design needs not for rebar protection needs
  • It improves durability
  • It reduces maintenance and repair
  • It will eventually be recycled

These are the information about Epoxy-Coated Rebar and Stainless Steel Rebar. For more details, please visit Rebar People to avail our services and clarify your rebar related queries. You can contact us by phone and email.