Metal Deck Installation
Metal Deck We can use metal deck installation in various commercial and industrial applications for the activities like flooring, roofing and also for the creation of forms for concrete. Metal decks can be installed in high rises, airports, schools, hospitals, casinos and high tech offices. …
Mild Beams, PT Beams and Frame Beams
We can use different kinds of beams for the construction process of building and structures like mild beams, PT beams and Frame beams. They are horizontal structural element which can withstand vertical loads. They are described below: Mild Beams Mild Beams are ‘I’ and ‘H’ …
Pour Strip in Concrete Slab
Pour Strip is very necessary while constructing a concrete building including a large post-tensioning. Pour Strip, also called closure strip, is a temporary separation of the ground that allows floors to move freely. It is a section of concrete slab which is left open which …
Slab on Grade Foundation
Slab on grade construction is the process of setting a concrete slab on the existing native soil. A layer of engineered fill may be contained in native soil in order to drive the slab to proper elevation. In many cases, the native soil is considered …
Tie Beam Construction
Tie Beams is a type of beam used in construction to tie the footing and avoid the slender column effect in the structure. We provide this type of beam when the two footings are in the same line. It connects two or more than two …
Grade Beams Construction
A grade beam is a component of a building foundation which helps to transmit the load from bearing wall into foundations. It contains reinforced concrete beams and is applied in situations where the load-bearing capacity of surface soil is less than predicted design loads. They …
Types of Caisson Foundation
Caisson Foundation is a watertight retaining structure which is used as a bridge pier or construction of dam. This foundation is used when the structures are above a river or similar water bodies. Caisson Foundation can be floated to the desired location and then sunk …
5 types of Rebar Cutter Used in Construction
A rebar cutter is used in the construction industry to cut rebars for building structural reinforcement for concrete work. It is very difficult to cut thick rebar so it requires specialized tools that can make the process safer and easier. The correct cutter should be …
5 types of Rebar Bender Used in Construction
Rebar bender is a machine widely used in building and construction to bend bars made of steel and other heavy metals. It is considered as one of the most economical materials in the construction. Rebar contains long steel shafts that can require bending before used …
Different sizes of rebar
There are a variety of rebar sizes that range from #3 to #18. We provide different sizes of rebar according to the needs of the customers. Rebar provides structural integrity for concrete. According to the need of tensile structural integrity, different sizes of rebar are …