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Stud Rails Design

Stud Rails Design

Stud Rails Design

Stud Rails is needed in construction to reinforce a flat slab against punching shear and is located around a column head or base. Stud Rails design system consists of a number of stud and rail units and each unit consists of double-headed studs, hot forged to three times the diameter of the bar which is welded to a flat steel carrier rail. In the required layout, the rails are located around the column.

Quantity of Studs and Rails in Stud Rails Design

Stud rail manufacturers provides calculation software to determine the quantity and dimensions of both studs and rails, the layout and spacing. The rails make sure of stud alignment, spacing and vertical positioning within the slab.  The studs are manufactured in various diameters and length to be suitable for the load and depth of the slab.

By calculating the stress at concentric perimeters around a column, we can design a stud rail reinforcement system. The first stud is placed 0.5d from the face of the column and the spacing between studs is taken 0.75d (where d is the effective slab thickness). The layout of the rail can be radial or orthogonal. We can simplify the design process using free calculation software provided by the stud rail manufacturers.

A stud rail system can be designed for the column shapes like rectangular, circular, L-shaped, etc. Stud rails design can be designed for the locations like edge, corner, interior, etc. and based on user desire the system can be installed either top down or bottom up. When they are installed top down, the studs are installed after all other reinforcement. The rail is securely tied in the position and it rests on the top layer of reinforcement. When they are installed bottom-up, the studs are installed before all other reinforcement. The rails are tied to spacers before they are being located around the column and nailed to the formwork.  

The use of stud rails can speed up the design and the construction process. Stud rails are supplied to site welded to rails at the appropriate spacing and number of studs are installed simultaneously. The stud rail manufacturer’s software also generates a DXF file of the rail layout for each column which can be then inserted in to floor plans. 

Stud rails are an effective means to reinforce a flat slab against punching shear at column locations. They provide reduced  fixing times in comparison to loose shear links. Stud rails design are done using free calculation software which is provided by the stud rails manufacturers.

For more details, please visit Rebar People to avail our services and clarify your rebar related queries. You can contact us by phone and email.